Review: Darth Vader Watch

Since Rachel reviewed her Aliexpress watch last week, I thought I should do my one this week. Incidentally, if our watches got into a fight, this is how that would go down (any excuse to post a Star Wars clip I shall take):


There are loads of cool watches on Aliexpress, but I like 'em with numbers, so my choices were limited. I have a hard enough time using analog clocks with digits, so the ones without just make my brain hurt.

It cost me $6US (here's the product page), which is exactly how much I am willing to pay for a novelty watch, unless it's of the calculator variety. I haven't worn it much, except to my exams, I'll admit, because I don't really wear bracelets or watches much.

It's well made, with a nice sturdy strap and so far the time has remained accurate. A problem with cheap watches is that they run a little too fast or slow, so you have to keep resetting them, but I haven't had that problem yet. It does have a loud tick, which I don't mind, but I know that drives some people nuts.

Here are some more photos:

'Genuine Leather'
Star Wars 4 lyf
Very reflective!
I recommend this watch to fellow Star Wars fans and it'd actually make an awesome gift for your nerdy pals.

Product Quality: 4/5
Accuracy of Description: 5/5
Similarity to Original: N/A

Happy shopping, and may the force be with you!

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield


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