Handbags are expensive. And it seems the smaller they get, the more they cost. I don't want to fork out $50 for something I won't use everyday and that doesn't even hold more than my phone and wallet.
Luckily for me (and you!), bags from online shops are super affordable. Like this blue satchel bag or a darling fox bag. I've had nothing but good experiences buying handbags online and I needed a black one. Black goes with everything. Fact.
Within the main structure, the bag has three internal pockets, including one zipped, and an extra zipped pocket on the back. This I love because I hate leaving my keys in the same section as my phone so it's nice to have a pocket for everything. Although the heart clasp looks more gold in the photos, it's actually a light yellow with the word MINK in gold. Is this a brand name? I don't know.
The trick for young players is to let the bag air out for a few days after it arrives, to get rid of that Chinese factory fragrance and restore its shape. I've found is that the lining fabric in bags from China tends to feel very stiff and cheap and some of the zips tend to feel a little flimsy. This isn't an issue for me personally, I got what I paid for and I promise I'll be careful zipping it up.
All in all, I'm super happy with this purchase. I would have to pay a lot more for something similar in a store here and in my mind, quantity over quality for handbags. Always.
Product Quality: 4/5 (cheap lining and delicate zips prevent this bag from scoring full marks)
Accuracy of Description: 5/5
Similarity to Original: N/A. As far I can tell, this bag isn't a dupe but a true original. Just like me.
Contributor: Rachel, @RachelElsewhere
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