Online Shopping Gems: Pyjamas

It's pretty impressive how cheap some pyjama sets are, because you're getting two items for one. I swear by pyjama sets, especially your classic flannelette set, so I had loads of fun seeing how cheap I could get them.

Here are the best PJ sets I found for under $20:

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield


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Fool's Gold: Screw You, Samsung!

My laptop screen has been broken for a while and I finally got around to getting a quote from Samsung's repair centre as to the cost of getting a replacement LCD screen. They said it would be $280, which is outrageous.

They can charge that much because people buying repairs want their item fixed ASAP, and tend to just throw money at the problem, putting speed and reliability before price. I'm in that camp. I was perfectly willing to pay them whatever they wanted, so I could finally be reunited with my Sims 3 family.

At the advice of my super geek brother, I had a peak around the web to see if I could find a cheaper alternative. I found my way to aliexpress, which I've never used for electronics before, and they had the absolute cheapest options. There were multiple stores offering the exact same LCD screen that Samsung would've sent me, but for $100 instead of almost $300!

The moral of this story is that stuff is cheaper online. Groundbreaking, I know.

If you do decide to buy replacement parts online, be SUPER careful. It's really easy to accidentally order the wrong part! I have a Samsung NP300V5A-S04NZ, and I almost bought a screen that would fit an NP300 laptop, but not the exact one I have. Check all the numbers and letters! Make sure the photo looks right.

Also, if you don't have a tech genius sibling, you can order the part yourself and use a PC fixing service to replace it, if you're not confident.

Fool's Gold: Screw You, Samsung

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield


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Review: Dupe Leggings

Aliexpress is pretty well known for doing dupe Black Milk leggings. If you want to have a look at some of the best ones on there, check out this Gems post. As with most Gems posts, we can't account for the quality of each product. But I have gotten my hands on two pairs of leggings, so I can give an overview of what to expect from these lower quality, cheap knockoffs.

I bought these excellent nautical tights, and my friend bought these skyline ones. We're both happy with the look of them. Hers are slightly more pixelated than mine, but it's because the image is a lot denser and more detailed, so it matters less. I was really impressed, actually, at the crispness of mine! They're very nice!

The reason I have my friend's tights in my possession is I refused to let her wear them until I fixed the crotch for her. I got my leggings before her and after only a day of wearing them, there was a hole in the crotch! She wore hers for about an hour after receiving them and they also were starting to come apart at the seam, so I think it's a problem the majority of these types of tights will have.

Crotch hole alert!
You can see where the stitching has come undone.
If you buy a pair of these leggings, I highly recommend reinforcing the crotch before wearing them. It only takes a couple of lines of stitching on the sewing machine. Since it's a very stretchy fabric, you'll want to use a zigzag, or preferably an overlock stitch, like the one my grandma's sewing machine can do (see photo below). Go further than the problem area, just for extra reinforcement.

The weak crotch problem wasn't an issue for me, because I'm an avid sewer, and it really is the only flaw I've had so far. I love my tights and I'm really glad I didn't buy the originals, because I will certainly not get $100 worth of use out of them. I only have, like, one top I can wear these with, they don't go with very much! Once I fixed the crotch (how many times can I write 'crotch' in one post...), they were totally worth over the $7 (USD) I paid for them.

Also, note that neither of us bought Free size. A lot of these leggings only come in one size, which might seem reasonable because they're very stretchy, but it's best to look for variations that have multiple sizes.


Beige Nautical Tights
Product Quality: 3/5
Accuracy of Description: 5/5
Similarity to Original: 3/5 (the brown is slightly more purple, the images bigger and the fabric is cheaper. But pretty good still.)

NYC Skyline Tights
Product Quality: 3/5
Accuracy of Description: 5/5
Similarity to Original: 3/5 (the image is much more pixelated and the fabric is cheaper, but also still pretty good.)

UPDATE 3/8/14: Prone to shrinking dramatically in the washing machine!

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield


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Online Shopping Gems: Lips

The biggest flaw on the human body is that we all only have one pair of lips. That's just not enough.

Imagine if you had two mouths! You could be eating chocolate through one whilst sipping on a coconut through the other. Delicious.

Anyways, until scientists work out how to make that a thing, we'll just have to pretend that it's possible to have multiple functional lips by adorning ourselves in lip patterned clothing and inspired accessories.

Here are my top finds off of Aliexpress:

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield


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Pearl of Wisdom x Fool's Gold: A Pair of Fake Chanel Earrings

Guys, I totes read an academic paper and I think you'll be interested in what it's about.

"Omg, what is this, what sane person actually reads academic papers?!" We're called students.

I get forced into reading a lot of marketing papers for my course, and they are very tedious most of the time, but sometimes they are absolute gold. I swear 90% of a marketing degree is consumer tips, backed up by great research.

This study* is an example of some knowledge that is actually very useful to have up your sleeve. It basically provides solid evidence that people will treat you better if you're wearing a luxury brand logo.
"A person who displays a luxury-brand label, not an ordinary label, is indeed perceived as wealthier and receives higher status ratings than a person who does not display a label, as predicted by notions of conspicuous consumption." *
Conspicuous consumption means that a good or service is used by you in front of an 'audience'. Like, lots of people are going to see you driving your car, but a lot less people will see you using your shampoo. We tend to focus more on the things we consume in public, because of associations and branding and all that stuff.

Note the blu tack in the reflection...
I'm a huge fan of psychology and I love employing little Life Tricks. For example, the more you show your palms, the most trustworthy you're perceived as being (fun fact). But I don't have any luxury brand items, unless you count a pretty sweet colour screen Casio calculator or a Samsung Galaxy from three generations ago. Oh, I have prescription Ray Ban glasses, but I think they're pretty embarrassing these days. Thanks, hipsters.

Enter Aliexpress.

Designer knock offs are super common, I don't need to tell you that. I've seen more fake Louis Vuitton wallets than wallets of any other sort. It's very frowned upon to buy fake, because that's kinda a sign that you're trying too hard and being fake yourself. However, we don't really feel the same way about dupes from less expensive brands or dupes that don't have a logo on them. I have a fake Lazy Oaf shirt and a lot of the stuff I own is 'inspired' by designer brands via trickle-down trends or plain ol' copying.

I guess the difference is aesthetics vs brand equity (value). I have a pair or three of fake Mise En Dior earrings, that I bought before J-Law and Rihanna started wearing the real things and alerting me to Dior's originals. I bought them for sheer aesthetic reasons. Most of Dior's earrings are, to be honest, kinda awful, but seem pretty because they have the brand name attached to them. Buying a fake pair of this variety would be for brand equity reasons and that's a little shady.

HOWEVER, I'm all for shady, in small doses! I've already ordered myself a pair of fake Chanel earrings (hopefully more convincing than my DIY ones, pictured above), and I intend to use them for practical reasons. The study found that wearing luxury brands helps in job interviews and collected donations, and other cases. It's a very small investment for some pretty great benefits.
"Seven laboratory and field experiments supported the prediction that people treat a person who displays a luxury brand more favourably than a person who does not or, more accurately, than the same person when he or she wears identical clothing without a brand label." *
Sure, the paper does make it clear that the reason luxury brands make people seem higher status is because they seem like they have more wealth, which is totally offset by having a fake pair of earrings. But who is really going to ask "Are those real?" And if some punk does ask you that, I give you permission to lie.

I'm recommending that everyone should have a convincing, logo emblazoned, piece of fake designer wear, to pull out when you feel like you might need a bit of a boost. Earrings are really great, because they're usually just logos and they're small enough to not be noticeably fake. Also, I think a pair of Chanel, etc, earrings is something a lot of girls would have, even if the rest of their outfit was from Glassons or TopShop. It's something a wealthy grandmother would pass down, or a special birthday present from some very nice parents.

Below, you shall find a wonderful collection of the best fake earrings I found. Bar the ones I made, of course. I went for ones that were very simple and looked expensive, because they're more convincing. If you want to search for more over on Aliexpress or eBay, searching with the brand name won't get you far. Use "brand earrings" or "logo earrings", and scroll through some pages.

*Nelissen, Rob and Marijn HC Meijers (2011), "Social Benefits of Luxury Brands as Costly Signals of Wealth and Status," Evolution and Human Behavior, 32 (5), 343-55.

Further Quotes from Nelissen & Marijn, 2010:

"Participants in the brand-label condition found the applicant more suitable for the job... and also suggested he should earn more than the applicant in the no-label condition."

"Participants in the brand-label condition complied with the request on 52.2% of the occasions, compared to 13.6% in the no-label condition."

"Average donations were higher in the brand-label condition than in the no-label condition."

"Transfers in the luxury-label condition exceeded those in the ordinary-label condition."

Fun .gif Google made for me...
Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield


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Review: Darth Vader Watch

Since Rachel reviewed her Aliexpress watch last week, I thought I should do my one this week. Incidentally, if our watches got into a fight, this is how that would go down (any excuse to post a Star Wars clip I shall take):


There are loads of cool watches on Aliexpress, but I like 'em with numbers, so my choices were limited. I have a hard enough time using analog clocks with digits, so the ones without just make my brain hurt.

It cost me $6US (here's the product page), which is exactly how much I am willing to pay for a novelty watch, unless it's of the calculator variety. I haven't worn it much, except to my exams, I'll admit, because I don't really wear bracelets or watches much.

It's well made, with a nice sturdy strap and so far the time has remained accurate. A problem with cheap watches is that they run a little too fast or slow, so you have to keep resetting them, but I haven't had that problem yet. It does have a loud tick, which I don't mind, but I know that drives some people nuts.

Here are some more photos:

'Genuine Leather'
Star Wars 4 lyf
Very reflective!
I recommend this watch to fellow Star Wars fans and it'd actually make an awesome gift for your nerdy pals.

Product Quality: 4/5
Accuracy of Description: 5/5
Similarity to Original: N/A

Happy shopping, and may the force be with you!

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield


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Online Shopping Gems: Camisoles & Tank Tops

Since I got some permanent shoulder decoration, I've been all over the interweb trying to find some tops that will show it off a bit. I don't have a lot of spaghetti straps, halter necks, tank tops, camisoles, etc. That's going to change!

Since camisoles (that's the best word to describe them, right?) are pretty flimsy and light, it's not really something worth shelling out for. I wore a camisole to an Arctic Monkeys concert last month and it barely survived! Glad I paid under $10 for that one!

There are some uber cute tops over on Aliexpress, here are my top finds! I basically included everything that has straps and is a top. It's not a very specific collection...

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield


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Pearl of Wisdom: Opshopping 101

Play me in, Macklemore!

Guys, opshopping is awesome. It's cheap, good for the world in general, excellent for your street cred, everything. However, it is a little intimidating. There is so much junk to sift through, and there's always the huge risk of buying something faulty. 

But it's actually a really good way to buy practical and novelty items. If you've never really had a good thrift before, then you need to start ASAP! As a seasoned opshopper, here are my top tips for thrift shop glory:

-Haggle. I've been known to haggle down from $40 to $20, so take my word for it when I say that it's fine. Give it a shot! If you've noticed something wrong with the object, or can just make it sound like you're more of an expert than the seller, then point it out. Opshops have to have a high turnover rate, so they really want to get rid of their stock. I've never haggled at charity shops, because it feels like a douche move, but at fairs and for-profit vintage/secondhand stores, go for your life!

-Look at EVERYTHING! You never know. I didn't go to opshops seeking pattern pieces, and I barely noticed them. When I did, I found an absolute treasure trove for the hobby sewer. You'll be surprised what people get rid of. I've gotten into an obsessive habit where I can't leave an opshop without looking through all of their cds, which is a hefty task. Maybe don't look at absolutely everything, then.... especially if you're on a time frame! 

-Have a really good look before you buy. As these items are second hand, they're far more likely to be faulty. Look for stains, rips and missing buttons on clothes. Look for cracks in mugs, plates, records, etc. Look for missing disks in dvd and cd cases. Don't get overexcited, things may be super cheap for a good reason!

-Don't donate your goods to your local opshop. My mum once dropped off a stack of books to a nearby Vinnies, only for my dad to accidently purchase one of the books back, because he thought my mum might like it. Good one, parents. Do donate goods, that's a nice thing to do, but maybe not to a shop you frequent.

-Avoid those musty old antique shops. I was dragged through every antique shop in New Zealand as a child, due to my dad being a record collector, and I've never quite forgiven them. They're almost always overpriced and a little unfriendly. Sure, there are some real treasures to be found for a good price, but you're far better off searching through a not-for-profit. I do have a hilarious "Society For The Prevention Of Mixing Peas And Carrots" membership card from an excellent antique store in Nelson, but that's as far as my luck has gone.

Seriously, opshops are the BEST for pattern pieces. 

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield

NB: The store in the photos is a really great vintage shop in Martinborough called Gertrude Snyder Vintage Treasure. It's an old house converted into a shop, such a cool idea! I bonded with the owner over our shared appreciation of buttons, Etsy and her lovely wheaten terrier, Bella, so thought I should give her a plug! They also have an online store, if you're not planning to be in the area.


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Fool's Gold: Pizza Necklace

So, these aren't exactly the same necklace, but still! Buy 1x pizza necklace from the Nylon shop or 20x pizza necklaces for a lower price?

This necklace has been very popular since I clipped it to Polyvore, btw. I guess it's pretty cool? It's much cooler as a friendship necklace, I think. If you have a group of six besties.

Because how much is a pizza necklace really worth to you? Keeping in mind that it is not actually edible (sad face).

Fool's Gold: Pizza Necklace

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield


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Review: World Map Watch

Photo from Product Page

Travel the world and the seven seas.
Everybody’s looking for something

- Eurythmics, Sweet Dreams -

I featured this world map watch on my own blog back in April, when it first arrived. Since then, I've worn it a few times and have received many a compliment on its unique design. The stock photo is quite true to the real deal, the print on the watch face itself is slightly blurrier and the strap feels flimsier than the photo would suggest.

My own photos

The one fault is in the quality of the strap. I noticed a little loose thread a few days ago, which I pulled gently and it seems to have split the side of the strap a little. With time, the strap will definitely fall apart, although I can always replace it.

I don't think the strap is a deal breaker though considering it only cost me a few dollars and the weight of the watch face makes up for it. I'm really keen to try out more watches from AliExpress now.


Product Quality: 4/5
Accuracy of Description: 5/5
Similarity to Original: 3/5 I can't tell if it's just a coincidence that it looks very similar to the Around the World watch from Urban Outfitters

Contributor: Rachel, @RachelElsewhere


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Online Shopping Gems: The Hot Air Balloon Collection

I'll be out of my mind, and you'll be out of ideas pretty soon,
so let's spend the afternoon in a cold hot air balloon.
- Owl City, Hot Air Balloon -

Ever noticed how clothes seem to bear many of the same motifs? I find it a weird trend, like who sits down and decides which little doodle drawing we'll be sporting next? We've seen it with cats, with owls, with all sorts of other animals. Whilst browsing AliExpress, I discovered that apparently hot air balloons are a thing. I'm assuming they're only online because I don't think I've ever seen a hot air ballon pattern in stores here. 

Do you think the hot air balloon motif will catch on? Kate does.


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Pearl of Wisdom: Ditch the Hairdresser

"Well I can't wait for the kids to come,
I can't wait for the kids to come,
Say 'hey babe you gon' know no barbershop.'"
- Devendra Banhart, Long-Haired Child -

I have a couple of random ideals I'm very passionate about, and this is near the top of that list. It's below "Protect The Sharks!" and "Vague Feminism Theories!", but it is above "Cats Are Better Than Dogs!".

I haven't paid for a haircut in, let's see, almost two years. Yes, my hair has gotten longer and then shorter again, but I have no paid for any of that. And, to be completely honest and without bias, I have never liked my hair more than I have over the last year or so. Having control over a part of my body that was once a costly nuisance has been more freeing than I expected it to be.

Because who actually enjoys a haircut? They get it wrong so often, and it costs you $50 or so to feel upset. And then when they do get it amazingly right, it's only perfect for a month, and then it's slightly too long and not quite right. Plus they don't like to cut hair how it is and how it will be for the duration of the style. Hairdressers always got a little sassy at me when I told them there was no way I was going to blow dry my hair everyday so that my haircut would sit like they wanted it to. Cut it how it'll sit naturally, plz.

Sure, if you like the experience of a haircut and you have a lot of spare income to throw around, go for it. This is a tip for people, like me, who don't have space for haircuts in our budgets. I also think it's a great skill for everyone to have up their sleeve, just in case you someday need to take a pair of scissors to your hair. 

I even have a couple of close friends who come to me for a free trim. I'm terrified that some day that'll end up in this situation, but so far I've gotten good reviews! I should start charging them. 

My routine is to trim my hair about an inch or so shorter every 6 months. I let it grow out until it becomes unmanageable, then cut it short again. I have crazy hair, like, it's uncontrollable and messy constantly, so as much as I'd love long hair, it's not a good look for me. I end up looking less like Miranda Kerr and more like a frumpy Swedish lesbian. Life isn't fair. 

Today was the big day and I took a bunch of photos to illustrate the process. My phone ran out of batteries, so forgive the lack of snaps of the actually cutting and the lighting inconsistencies! I did have a criminal amount of fun taking what were essentially faux-artsy selfies, as you can see... 




 I've still got a couple of things to fix up, but I'm happy with it. You can't tell from the photos, but shaking around my hair like that makes my hair really knotty when it's long, so I'm glad it's shorter now. I live in Wellington, which is super windy year-round, and having practical hair that looks good after it's been tossed around a bit is very useful.

Here are my top tips for cutting hair:

-Err on the side of caution! Always cut too little off. Every girl has had the experience of asking the hairdresser for just a trim and ending up with several inches gone, so keep that firmly in mind.

-Use Pinking Shears, or any sort of sturdy pattern scissors. This will make your cut less blunt looking. If you only have normal scissors, use them, but be prepared to do some hefty softening work afterwards!

-Put your hair into two pony tails, with very tight ties. Pull the ties down slowly, making sure both sides are even. Always cut just above the tie, so the hair comes off neatly.

-Watch out for the back section. It's really easy to cut so that the back is longer than the front, which isn't a good look. When you put your hair into a ponytail, the hair should sit in a nice bunch, not have obvious layers. Get someone else to clean up the back if you're having trouble.

-Spend a few days on it. The first two main cuts will probably not give a perfect result. Spend a bit of time doing major fix ups, slowly and carefully, but wait until you've washed it and it's settled a bit before continuing to cut.

-The blending techniques used by hairdressers are super easy, and you'll probably need to utilise them. I soften my front sections and so that they have a bit of layering. 

-Avoid doing too much. Many years ago, I did cut myself a full fringe, but I'd never do it again. I'm lucky that I like the look of a messy bob, because that's all I feel comfortable with! If you want a completely new look or you have something particular in mind that's pretty drastic, then go to a professional. Don't pull a Hannah Horvath and think you can reproduce Carrie Mulligan's pixie cut in a mirror!

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield


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