Mail Order Treasure Chest! |
If you are buying something cheap off of Aliexpress, it is worthwhile to have a look through the store and add something else to your cart from the same seller. Aliexpress and eBay both have really good systems for purchasing multiple items from a single store, allowing you to pay for them all at once. It's also great to have one package for multiple objects!
Browsing through stores also gets rid of pesky duplicates and gives you a random array of items to chose from, which is fun!
Also, if you've had a really good experience with a seller, do favourite their store and try to buy from them in future. There are some dodgy stores online and sticking with the ones you trust is a great way to ensure you continue having good experiences with online shopping.
I'm going to give a shout out to DX Jewellery, who I bought my bulk lot from. Each of their items are amongst the cheapest options for identical products on Aliexpress and they are good with shipping/packaging. Their minimum order is $9, which is really easy to hit with a mixed order.
Other Aliexpress stores I recommend are:
Red Blooded Woman
Tomato Clothing Store
Hangzhou Weido Apparel Co.
Elizabeth's Wonder Store
Hottest Girls' Choices
Over the next few months, I'll be reviewing some pieces of jewellery I've bought (Absolootely has a one-month-use-before-review guideline, so I can't review them straight away). Keep an eye out for that!
Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield
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