I got some photos while we took the train together today, and quizzed her about how her bag's been going over the 3 months she's had it. I have an investment in this backpack, as I was there when she scaled Aliexpress for her perfect bag. It was a real test of our friendship, because it took about an hour and it was very tedious! She landed on this one after an extensive search.
Her number 1 complaint is that the straps are thin and hurt her shoulders. This happens when backpacks get heavy, as all school kids will tell you, so it's not so much a design flaw as a caution. Another problem she has is that while the depth is good, the width is a little tight for her Uni books.
We both appreciate that it had heaps of pockets! There's even one on the back! The fabric is also really pretty and it's a really quality product. Rose did shell out a little for this, because a good backpack isn't cheap, and it's not something you want to be faulty.
If you're looking for a nice, reasonably priced backpack for your schoolbooks, packed lunch and gym gear, then this is a really good one! It's good enough for my pseudo-doomsday-prepper friend, which is the best credit a backpack can get, IMO.
Product Quality: 5/5
Accuracy of Description: 4/5 (Many flowers is, indeed, brown. However, the page is quite confusing, because there are two variations, but only one is for sale.)
Similarity to Original: N/A
Accuracy of Description: 4/5 (Many flowers is, indeed, brown. However, the page is quite confusing, because there are two variations, but only one is for sale.)
Similarity to Original: N/A
Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield
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