I'll be out of my mind, and you'll be out of ideas pretty soon,
so let's spend the afternoon in a cold hot air balloon.
- Owl City, Hot Air Balloon -
Ever noticed how clothes seem to bear many of the same motifs? I find it a weird trend, like who sits down and decides which little doodle drawing we'll be sporting next? We've seen it with cats, with owls, with all sorts of other animals. Whilst browsing AliExpress, I discovered that apparently hot air balloons are a thing. I'm assuming they're only online because I don't think I've ever seen a hot air ballon pattern in stores here.
Do you think the hot air balloon motif will catch on? Kate does.
Do you think the hot air balloon motif will catch on? Kate does.
The Hot Air Balloon Collection by rachelelsewhere on polyvore.com
Contributor: Rachel, @RachelElsewhere
Contributor: Rachel, @RachelElsewhere
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