Over the past three years, I've found a couple of vintage binocular cases in opshops, just your standard, unfancy, no-frills thrift stores. And I absolutely adore mine, so I highly recommend snatching one up if you stumble upon it.
The first one I bought comes with a story that makes it twice as special. I saw the most beautiful bag, like, ever in Ziggurat, a fancy Wellington vintage boutique, when I was about 16. The red lining was what I really loved, because it was so stunning. The bag was $70 though, which meant it was far too pricey for me. However, I added it to my birthday wishlist and would pay visits to gaze upon it every time I was in the area.
This stopped, eventually, and I forgot about it completely. Until the day, about a year or so later, we were reunited. I was rummaging through bags in Recycle Boutique, a secondhand clothing chain store, when I suddenly saw my coveted bag, just chillin' with the other, inferior, cases. I think the most probable reason for it switching stores is that someone bought it from Ziggurat, for $70, and gave it to Recycle Boutique after it broke.
Oh, and I am certain it was the same bag. But it had some extra wear to it and it had a couple of issues. However, it was $15 and I still loved it, so there was really nothing stopping me from running to the counter to finally make it mine.
It did need some fixing up, which I was into, because it's not hard and it means you can get a great vintage item for a cheap price. I had to sew the fastening strap back on and replace the lid lining. Both of these tasks were very easy, and it allowed me to personalize it with some pretty nautical fabric.
The two pieces where my finger is had to be sewn back together. |
A month ago, I was hanging around a Salvation Army store in mid-Wellington, when I spied an almost identical bag to the one I had around my shoulder. I became a bit self-conscious as I approached it, wondering if people would notice the girl with an unusual vintage bag admiring a very similar one. And after I bought it, I suppose I did look a bit like a hipster voyeur, walking around town with my two vintage binocular cases.
My first bag has a gorgeous red lining, so I expected the second one to have a similar shade. Much to my surprise and delight, it has a bright purple lining! So cool! Even cooler was the price: $5.
However, like my first bag, this bag was also slightly broken. One of the little pieces of leather holding the strap in place had been torn. I've fixed this by hand-stitching the broken pieces back together, which has done a really good job so far. If the stitches stop holding, I'll glue the strap to the base and the broken bits to the strap. It's fine. It was $5 and better than any bag I've bought brand new.
Some other differences between the bags is that the second one is a dark brown, while the first is tan. The first one has a longer strap. They both have adjustable straps, which is really useful, so you can alter the length. The first one has "Made in Japan" stamped on the bottom, but the second one has no claim about its origin. Both are a little scruffy, which is to be expected from vintage items, and it justs makes them look what they are (old and heavily used).
If you find one of these, NAB IT! They are awesome bags and they really add some charm and whimsy to every outfit. And they're super practical, to boot.
I've had a nosey round online and I haven't found many bags at all, let alone for as cheap as mine were. The main problem seems to be people emphasising "Vintage" and that shipping isn't cheap (if only this beauty was a bit cheaper!). Also, most of them come with binoculars, which bumps the price up. There are different styles to the ones I have, which is pretty cool. These bags are wasted on binoculars!
Apparently my late granddad had one of these bags in storage, so if I'm lucky, I'll have another in my collection soon, that is extra special because it's an heirloom. Look out for these in your grandparents' homes, they're totally the sort of thing your oldies would have had back in the old days.
Happy thriftin', everyone!
Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield
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