Unsponsored ♥: Sheinside.com

Personally, I'm not into sponsored posts on blogs. I don't think you can genuinely review a product you haven't paid for. It's cool that people can make money from their blogs, and some bloggers do it in a really interesting way, but sales pitches aren't fun to read.

So no, this is not sponsored, this is a genuine recommendation. Absolootely is affiliated with Sheinside, but it's one of those half-assed schemes which mean we get like 10c if someone buys something via our blog. We're on the same thing with AliExpress. Not for profit, but for market research really.

Spiel over, I'm a huge Sheinside fan.


It's like a slightly more expensive AliExpress that's reliable and has a pre-collated set of cool things. I see things on the site from AliExpress, but also a lot of things that aren't. I've noticed that over the past year, they've gone from stocking mainly Free size to having a S, M, L selection in the vast majority of their inventory. That's cool.

They also have a tonne of promotional activities, like an exact rip-off of ModCloth's "Be the Buyer".
There's also some sort of system where you can submit clothing designs yourself. And a laughably bad official blog.And an about page, which has some pretty impressive stats.

Here are A LOT of assorted, awesome Sheinside items (average price is about $20USD):

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield

If you see something you like, feel free to link it to us on Tumblr, in the comments below or via our Forum and we'll check for you if it's available cheaper elsewhere :-)

 Also, have you ever bought from Sheinside? How'd it go for you?


Thank you for reading! What do you think?

Online Shopping Gems: Wall Decals

Wall decals/stickers are amazing. Especially when they're under $10!

On with the show....

Contributor: Kate, @Springerfield


Thank you for reading! What do you think?